Institutional Ethics Committee KAHER

The Vice Chancellor of KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research, Belagavi established the Institutional Ethics Committee.

Institutional Ethics Committee KAHER

The Vice Chancellor of KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research, Belagavi establish the Institutional Ethics Committee. The Ethics committee offers essential assistance, resources, and autonomy to ensure the smooth operation and effective decision-making during the protocol review process. All research that involves human participants must be carried out in accordance with three fundamental ethical principles, encompassing the following:

  • Respect for persons
  • Beneficence
  • Justice

Estd year: 2009

NAME OF THE IECInstitution Independent Ethics Committee
CATEGORYClinical trials-Ethics committee
CHAIRPERSONNon-Affiliated to Institution-Dr.Subarna Roy, Director & Scientist F-NITM
Sl.NoSOPsSOP codePage No.
I. Preparation of SOPs for Ethics committee for clinical studies


Writing, Reviewing, Distributing and Amending Standard Operating Procedures for institutional Ethics CommitteesSOP/01/V-8.51-13
II. Constituting the Ethics Committee for Research on Human Subjects
02Constitution of an IECSOP/02/ V-8.514-25
03Confidentiality/Conflict of Interest AgreementSOP/03/ V-8.526-37
04Training Personnel and Ethics Committee MembersSOP/04/ V-8.538-41
05Selection and Responsibilities of Independent consultantsSOP/05/ V-8.542-47
III. Initial Review Procedures
06Management of protocol submissionsSOP/06/ V-8.548-66
07Expedited ReviewSOP/07/ V-8.567-73
08Initial Review of submitted protocolSOP/08/ V-8.574-90
09Vulnerable populationsSOP/09/ V-8.591-97
10Audio Visual (AV) recording of the informed consent processSOP/10/ V-8.598-102
11Review of Resubmitted protocolsSOP/11/ V-8.5103-108
IV. Protocol Amendments, Continuing Review and End of Study
12Review of Protocol AmendmentsSOP/12/ V-8.5109-115
13Continuing Review of Study ProtocolSOP/13/ V-8.5116-121
14Review of Final reportSOP/14/ V-8.5122-125
V. Monitoring and Evaluation of Adverse Events
15Review of Serious Adverse Events (SAE) ReportsSOP/15/ V-8.5126-136
VI. Monitoring Protocol Implementation
16Intervention in Protocol Deviation/Non-Compliance/ ViolationSOP/16/ V-8.5137-143
17Response to Complaints, Queries & RequestsSOP/17/ V-8.5144-152
18Management of Study TerminationSOP/18/ V-8.5153-157
VII. Site Monitoring Visits
19Site Monitoring visitSOP/19/ V-8.5158-165
VIII. Preparation of Review Meeting Agenda and Communication Records
20Agenda Preparation, Meeting Procedures and MinutesSOP/20/ V-8.5166-186
IX. Managing Study Files
21Maintenance of active study filesSOP/21/ V-8.5187-191
22Archival and retrieval of documentsSOP/22/ V-8.5192-198
23Maintaining Confidentiality of IEC DocumentsSOP/23/ V-8.5199-205
X. Evaluating an IEC KAHER
24Audit and InspectionSOP/24/ V-8.5206-212
XI. Subjects/Patients recruitment strategies
25Subjects/Patients recruitment strategiesSOP/25/ V-8.5213-220
26Continuous improvement: a corrective and preventive action (CAPASOP/26/ V-8.5221-228
XII. Review of Biomedical and Health Research and CDSCO-Clinical trials During COVID-19 PandemicSOP/27/ V-8.5


Sl.NoMonthMeeting Day and  DateTime
1JanuaryFriday – 193.30 PM
2FebruaryThursday  – 153.30 PM
3MarchThursday – 143.30 PM
4MarchThursday – 283.30 PM
5AprilTuesday – 163.30 PM
6MayFriday – 173.30 PM
7JuneMonday – 103.30 PM
8JulyWednesday – 273.30 PM
9JulyTuesday – 163.30 PM
10AugustMonday – 123.30 PM
11SeptemberWednesday – 123.30 PM
12SeptemberWednesday – 253.30 PM
13OctoberMonday  -213.30 PM
14NovemberMonday – 113.30 PM
15NovemberThursday – 283.30 PM
16DecemberFriday – 213.30 PM

Note : 

  • Above mentioned date and time are tentative
  • If the proposed dates are changed due to technical reasons, the fresh dates will be communicated.
  • For details of the schedule of meeting you can contact the secretariat
  • In some cases, IEC will schedule the Two meetings in a month*

Member-Secretary of IEC
K.L.E. Academy of Higher Education & Research, Belagavi

Sl. No.DocumentsForms Download
1Confidentiality Agreement Form for IEC membersFORM No:06
2Conflict of Interest Agreement Form for IEC membersFORM No:07
3Confidentiality Agreement Form for Guest Attendees to IEC- KLE MeetingsFORM No:08
4Confidentiality Agreement Form for Independent consultantsFORM No:09
5Confidentiality Agreement for Non-members Requesting Copy of IEC DocumentsFORM No:10
7Checklist for InvestigatorForm No: 15
8Study Assessment Form for New protocolForm No: 16
9Clinical Trial Agreement ChecklistForm No: 17
10Study Principal Investigator CV FormatForm No: 18
11Contents of the proposed protocol for the Conducting Clinical TrialForm No: 19
12Guidance for Protocol SubmissionForm No:22
13Format for Summary and Detailed ProtocolForm No:23
14Undertaking by investigatorsForm No:24
15Guide to Placebo JustificationForm No:25
16IEC approval letter formatForm No:26
17Assent Form-Template  Form No:28
18Submission of amended study protocol templateForm No: 29
19Amended study protocol assessment formForm No:30
20Annual Report TemplateForm No:31
21Study Completion report templateForm No:32
22Data elements for reporting serious adverse events occurring in a clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence studyForm No: 33
23SAE Reporting TemplateForm No:34
24Deviation/Non-Compliance/Violation Record 
25Clinical Research Stakeholder’s Request/Complaint FormForm No:36
26study termination templateForm No:41
27Checklist for IEC members Monitoring VisitForm No:42
28Format of an AgendaForm No:43
29Format for IEC Minutes meetingsForm No:44
30IEC Documents Retrieval Record Form 
31Audit and Inspection ChecklistForm No:50
32Confidentiality Agreement Form for Auditors/inspectorsForm No:51
ABH   :   Accreditation for Ethics Committee Clinical Trial
NABH Certificate
FERCAP  :  Forum for Ethical Review Committees in the Asian and Western Pacific
CDSCO   :   The Central Drugs Standard Control Organization
CDSCO Certificate
DHR Registration   :  Department of Health Research
   DHR Certificate
OHRP    :   Office for human Research protections
      OHRP Certificate


FEI NumberFacilityComplete AddressDates of Inspections
3001350323KLES Dr.Prabhakar Kore Hospital and MRC/Ethics committeeKLES Dr.Prabhakar Kore Hospital and MRC, Nehru Nagar, Belgaum, Karnataka, India27 – 31 Jan 2020


DCGIFacilityComplete AddressDates of Inspections
NAKLES Dr.Prabhakar Kore Hospital and MRC/Ethics committeeKLES Dr.Prabhakar Kore Hospital and MRC, Nehru Nagar, Belgaum, Karnataka, India25-July-2019
Sl.NoName of the TopicHost/Conducted byDate


Recent Developments in Ethical Guidelines of Health Research

KAHER-Research Development Cell



Bio-Medical Research Ethics & GCP: NDCT rules 2019 perspective




Research Ethics Training-


11-12 July-2022
4.Online Certification program in New Drugs and Clinical trial rules, 2019

Yenopoya Ethics Committee, Mangalore


IEC Secretariat
Mobile No: 0831-2470400
Mail ID:

Member Secretary
Mobile No: +91-9902687176
Mail ID:

Mobile No: +91-9449033133
Mail ID:


Clinical Trial Participants Feedback Link :

How can obtain the contact information of the site investigator for KLE?Through CTRI website or
What is the timelines for the submission of Dossier to IEC of KAHER?Within 21 days [After full board meeting-EC clearance will get within 07 working days]
What is the Ethics committee fee?INR-110000 per protocol review-Refer-IEC Notification
In whose name should the cheque be drawn for payment of EC fees?The Registrar, KAHER, Belagavi
Does the EC have DCGI approval?Yes, ECR/211/Inst/2013/RR-19 Under ND&CT Rules, 2019
Does the EC have DHR approval?Yes, EC/NEW/INST/2021/1726
Does the site is registered OHRP-FWA?Yes


  • FWA: 00024127
  • IORG#-0001102
  • IRB00001499 JNMC Ethics Committee on Human Subjects Rsc IRB#1
  • IRB00012930 KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research IRB#2
Does the site registered DUNS?YES