Library KLE Institute Of Physiotherapy
Library KLE Institute Of Physiotherapy
The KAHER Institute of Physiotherapy Library established in the year of 1994, is located in third floor of the building. The Infrastructure of Library is developed in an approximate 3600 Sq. Ft. carpet areaand seating capacity of library is 160. The Library has Good Collection of Books (including text books, reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedia, competitive books, General books (Novels, Stories and Biographies) and yearbooks etc…), Journals,Dissertation,Project Reports, CD Rom/DVDs, past question papersetc. are well organized by following Library Classification. This arrangement has helped in organizing information through systematic way and has helped users to locate documents easily. Library is following an open access system, where the books from the stock section are borrowed by the faculty and students. The circulation counter updates day to day borrowing and returning of the books and statistics are maintained.
Library is kept open to authorized members and entry/access is checked with user ID cards. Biometric is ins